Naked: A Novel of Lady Godiva - Eliza Redgold

I caught up with a couple of friends for lunch yesterday and we totally skipped lunch and just ate chocolate. What a great afternoon :)


We also quietly grumbled about the high cost of books in Australia *sigh*


I'd forgotten to share the cover of my critique partner's new book, so here it is. Naked is out next year and re-tells the Lady Godiva story. One of the things I worried about is how can a romance hero insist that his lady ride naked through town? Eliza has a twist that really works. The painting on the cover is Collier's Lady Godiva.


I have edits to do today. Some writers grumble about edits. I love them. They're making my book better and teaching me writing skills. So this is a great start to the week.


I'm also finally finding a few minutes in the day to sit outdoors in my rocking chair -- it is fabulous. It's a camping chair (foldable) that has curved legs that rock. Rocking is meant to be calming *zennnnnnn* Add in the birds that flit around the yard, the dog napping on the lawn in the sun and no more renovations in the house (yay!) and it is the perfect five minute break.


Sometimes the small things all add together to build happiness. Hope you have a great week!