Naked: A Novel of Lady Godiva - Eliza Redgold

"Naked" is definitely Godiva's story. She tells it and she's a powerful narrator. Her heartache and the history of her time -- Saxon England, invaded by Danes -- is vivid. I loved watching her struggles because she grew from them, and through everything, she tried to be true to those she loved (I can't say more without spoilers).


Leofric, the hero, is her match in every way. Since the book is in Godiva's voice, we don't get to eavesdrop on Leofric's thoughts, but his actions ... oh wow. He is strong, loyal and honourable. He's gorgeous.


The supporting cast are great. Some of the townsfolk are memorable characters, riddling and reacting in ways that feel real.


For me, the proof of the story was that I could believe it was the lost truth of Godiva's life and famous ride. What a wonderful journey into the past with a peace-weaver (nope, no spoilery explanations! read the book).


Disclosure: I'm bursting with pride. Eliza is my crit partner and I'm so thrilled that "Naked" shows not only her hard work and knowledge of Godiva and her times, but has that extra special something that is the magic of passion and love for a book. Godiva and Leofric deserved to have their love story celebrated.